The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061843
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Jun-20 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
The antisemitism slur was perpetuated largely by people within the Labour Party. The pro-Israel lobby had their stooges in the party, and the Tories only had to provide the occasional nudge to keep the smears in the spotlight. I could name Ruth Smeeth and John Mann, who both deliberately orchestrated very public incidents, and the likes of Margaret Hodge, Louise Ellman and the long-term idiot Frank Field. These and others never missed an opportunity to loudly and publicly criticise Corbyn's approach to the supposed problem. They were like a walking Labour suicide note, but they didn't care: getting smashed by the Tories in an election was, to them, a small price to pay for evicting Corbynism from the party. All these people were on the right of the party. I'm sick of the blame for splits being put on the left. Left-wingers in the party are far more likely to be campaigners against racism and for equality. Ken Livingstone, for example, about as un-antisemitic as can be, hounded out by the likes of the above. The lefties in Labour don't cause splits. Splits are caused by the right trying to shame the left into silence. "We'll never be electable with you around, and we're going to keep shouting that from the rooftops..." . As I said, the left has always been a part of Labour and always will be. It's those on the right, such as the above and the Blairs and the Kinnocks of this world, who can't stomach that and who constantly try to mould the party in their own right-wing image. We've just seen Starmer perpetuating that tradition. If he thinks that it'll win him elections, he's deluded.