The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #406218
Posted By: catspaw49
25-Feb-01 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Hawk, I luvya.........And I know where your heart lies having read your views on the Cuban situation and the world in general for some time here at the 'Cat. You are many times a disillusioned optimist who would so much like to see the individual rights and freedoms of all upheld and defended by an honest government that you are able to look past the implications of some actions. If things were to go according to that other post I made, we would be returning to fiefdoms based on the collective prejudices of each and rather than freedom and respect for all and less war, there would be more.

REad and think it through carefully and (as Troll so well picked up historically) you will see it is yet another form of bigotry and racism.

Yeah, I do have a wicked sense of humor. I pulled that post from a White Supremacist website and deleted the "whites, niggers, Jews" lines. It is understandable how at first read it may sound sensible in the same way that MAV sounds sensible at times-----"There is only one race, the human race"------which makes us want to believe that he does see things as we do, only slightly skewed. This is not true.

Mav speaks the same "bigotspeak" that has made racism, chauvinism, and jingoism, come back to the fore. It is often subtle, sometimes even joking, but it is always there below the surface. A desire for freedom for all and less government restriction can make strange bedfellows. Never mistake where these folks are coming from and never allow yourself to be drawn into using them to advance your own good hearted arguments. In the end you will lose. They are insidious and growing in number and you have to fight it and expose it where you find it.


Oh yeah......Mav? Bugger off...