The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152754   Message #4062275
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
01-Jul-20 - 05:38 AM
Thread Name: Australian singer Duke Tritton. Songs - Any CDs?
Subject: RE: Australian singer Duke Tritton. Songs - Any CDs?
I recently found 2 handwritten songs by Duke in BMC archives & co-incidentally yesterday I was listening to Sharing the Harvest & today to a CD made from a LP of the Australian Folk Festival Brisbane 1964 where Duke sung Shearing in a Bar, with a preamble. My copy comes from a remastered cassette.

From the Archives - 2 handwritten songs by Duke Tritton - The Fossickers Return & The Irishman's Song.

I'm not aware that Warren collected Duke, Duke died in 1965 & as far as I know Warren started collecting in the 70s. All the interviews in the Warren Fahey Collection, National Library of Australia are from the 70s.

Warren recorded John Dengate singing one of Duke's songs (Wikipedia on Duke)
