The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167650   Message #4062400
Posted By: cnd
01-Jul-20 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat YouTube channel?
Subject: RE: Mudcat YouTube channel?

At the bottom of the page, to the right of the "submit message" button is some blue-colored text that says "Make a link ('blue clicky')" -- click on that. It will open a page in a new tab. In the first line of the form (to the right of the words "Link URL" copy and paste your link from YouTube. In the second line, paste what words you want the link to say (for example, if the video is of the song "We Don't Know Why" you would put the link to that song in the first box and the words We Don't Know Why in the second box). Once you're done, click "create link" and it will give you something that looks like this:

<a href="">We Don't Know Why</a>

Then copy and paste that into the posting box that you type in and boom -- you've got a link!