The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4062478
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Jul-20 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
I don't believe in stripping the Labour Party of anybody. There is a wide range of opinion in the party, but, instead of embracing that constructively, leaders such as Callaghan, Kinnock, Blair, Brown and Starmer regard the left as an inconvenient nuisance who must be kept sidelined. Well we don't like being sidelined and we won't be keeping quiet in the vain hope that a weak and unprincipled man such as Starmer might spend the next four years polishing his halo. He won't and he is currently just as "unelectable" as Jeremy Corbyn was last year (who, for you with short memories, surprised everybody in 2017 with a campaign predicated on principle and quiet dignity that didn't win the election but gave the lie to the mass media's claim that he was a basket case). Ironic that BWM's call for "compromise" would entail the right calling all the shots and the left keeping out of the way...