The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4062563
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jul-20 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"get behind the leader,"
Right ot wrong, you mean ?
Been there - done that
I suggest you look at what you've written about Corbyn and the "lefties) (your phrase) before you deny having sneered at people
You have the arguments of why we believe we shouldn't "get behind them" - how about tackling them
As for the leader being "elected" - so was Johnson - Brexit was supported across the board by Conservatives, Labour and in between
Shouldn't we "get behind that"?
Labour has tried right wing policies for many decades - look what has happened to the lesser well off of Britain by doing that
Time to get off the pot and give principles a chance, I think
If that fails, it can't be much worse that things have become
I honestly believe that, when this pandemic is over Starmet will throw in his lot with Johnson to "get Britain back on its feet" - and that will mean getting the lesser-well-off rather than those who can afford it to take the brunt of the coming economic crisis
We're already seeing that with record levels of unemployment and widespread closures - this is just the beginning