The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4062582
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jul-20 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"we'll never know just how much Corbyn might have needed to compromise"
That is the case with anyboody who becomes leader
We do know lair came in with both socialist gunz blzing and threw his hands up as soon as he got their
We can only make our judgement on what they say - Corbyn said all the right - (whoops, sorry left) things

I have the benefit of PR here in Ireland so I have numerous preferences
My second preference was the Greens in the last election - but that won't happen again since they have united with the two right wing parties for the privilege of holding office and have already started to compromise on their own policies
Labour shoot itself in both feet several general elections ago buy doing the same thing - it lost decades of gains overnight

Think I've finished here for now - I might come back when the tabloid-like kicking match of "lefties" and Corbyn has run its course
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