The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4062598
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Jul-20 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"'s the biggest distraction that we have all fallen for..."

Thing is, Pete, I don't think we've fallen for it as such - the distraction has actually been deliberately orchestrated by a cabal of Labour insiders (it would be too tiresome to list them yet again), aided and abetted by pro-Israel lobby groups such as the Board Of Deputies, and, I strongly suspect, the Israeli regime itself (at least one member of that cabal had close links thereto...). I used to read the local Jewish press in Manchester before I stopped needing to go up north about 18 months ago, and the papers were totally obsessed with going for Corbyn's throat in every way at every opportunity. For all these people, the disastrous downfall of Jeremy Corbyn, and Labour's being cast back into the wilderness, were small prices to pay for getting the more leftist, more pro-Palestinian influence extirpated from the party. Unfortunately, our new leader is conniving in that, and he will be found out. He has shown weakness, and the longer he's at the helm the more that weakness will show through. We simply can't have a world in which the only way to "achieve harmony" or "make ourselves electable" is to get into bed with Benjamin Netanyahu. The US has done that with him and his predecessors for decades and the Palestinian people are the ones whose suffering is perpetuated.