The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83748   Message #4062743
Posted By: Bearheart
04-Jul-20 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Alabama John Cherokee
Subject: RE: Lyr Req/Add: Alabama John Cherokee
Found the Black Family Album "Time For Touching Home" (which I had years ago on cassette) on YouTube, while looking for "Prayer of Shields/Sweet Liberty". I recently started a Facebook group (Ballad Share), and my niece posted a song from the Civil war era, voicing her concerns about racism in folk music. I won't go into it but it sent me in search of songs from that era and others that express love of freedom for all and equality. Anyway, I always liked this one, and I think it illustrates how folk songs are a voice for the oppressed, and a way to keep alive the memory of what has been and to work for change. Plus-- The Black Family does a great job on this!