The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168182   Message #4062852
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Jul-20 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Calling time on Blackface Morris
Subject: RE: Calling time on Blackface Morris
Well here's a few thoughts. First, "This goes back centuries, it's tradition, therefore leave us alone."

Tradition dictated that young lads who stole a sheep could be hanged. Tradition dictated that women suspected of being witches could be ducked until they drowned. Tradition dictated that chaps accused of treason could be strung up on the gallows and their guts cut out and spread on the ground before they were dead. Tradition is a wonderful thing...

Second, "I know this black chap who doesn't object..."

If you say this, or even think this, you are the worst kind of racist. You really do need to have a good think.

Third, don't be so pig-headed. If you claim that the blacking up was to do with hiding your face from your boss, then you must accept that any other bloody colour will also do the job. 99 per cent of people who see your dance wouldn't give a damn if you used pink instead. Therein lies another potential piece of....

The resort to "tradition" has made this world a much worse place. Billions of people are repressed by their religion via "tradition." You are supposed to be folkies, ladies and gents who are of the people. Well just try to be of ALL the people, not just of us palefaces...