The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168182   Message #4063364
Posted By: Mo the caller
08-Jul-20 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: Calling time on Blackface Morris
Subject: RE: Calling time on Blackface Morris
British folk dance dull??????
Well it is rarely state-subsidised and highly choreographed.
It is all sorts of things.
80 year olds in a school hall adapting the moves that make them dizzy.Enjoying the company and the music while keeping aa active as possible.
Display teams that won't let you dance out until you reach a high standard.
Vilage halls full of all ages charging about wildly to lively music.
Display teams who accept anyone who will have a go.
Wedding guests who've never done this before.
Solo step dancers.

British folk dance is participation. And Joy.