The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4063635
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Jul-20 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
is part of the economy does not mean that they are "no longer homes".
Yes it does Nigel
Thatcher sold them to Britain as investments - I saw the results close at hand as people were forced to walk away from what were once their homes after having been forced to take on Mortgages they could not afford
The rental market all bus disappeared overnight
Countries lik The Soviet Union, despite all their faults, guaranteed a toof over the people's heads as part of the constitution
The post war Labour Government created a social homes system equal to none - opposed and derided by your Tories - and eventually destroyed by you
Whatever lip service is paid to "homes" - once you hang an affordable price tag on them, they become something else
Go tell me what the minimum wage is for someone aspiring to live (or continue living) in the South East of England
Like higher education - now way out of reach of the less well off - even when working