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Thread #167690   Message #4064463
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Jul-20 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
There is no evidence that Labou under Stamer will fight the Tories - they never really have since they sung to the right - when did they
When did they ever put right the damage the previous Governments had done - every mistake they made as put down to the last lot remember however many "years of Tory misrule"
No socialisty policies - no significant chamnges, the Wilson Govenment was among the first to attack the Trades Unions
Unemployment has risen under both Labour and Tory governments, industries like shipping, coal, and steel dwindled to nothing due to lack of investment from Labour and Tory Governments - in essence, there are no distinguishing features between Right-Wing Labour and Tory policies - the only difference is that the Tories are better at Toryism
Right wing Labour is third rate Torysism - If you want Tory policies, vote Tory, if you want Tory Policy in velvet gloves vote Lin Dem
Corbyn offer a return to principles - so fart this feller has offered double standards and ministers being sacked for telling the truth (unless you are one of his mates)
If you want to fought - fight for decent policies and leadership within your own party
For all his good debating Stamer will make no difference - what happens on the floor of the house no longer concerns the people of Britain, who regard parliamentary politicians as a sick joke not to be trusted - who gives a toss what happens in The House nowadays - honestly !!!