The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168245   Message #4064526
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Jul-20 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: This land is WHOSE land?
Subject: RE: This land is WHOSE land?
Hi, Raedwulf - It's hard to study the ethnic makeup of the US in history. Most of the divisions are between white and black, but I think it's important to recognize that many of the working-class Europeans came after 1850, some as late as the 1920s. Yes, there was a small Dutch colony in New Amsterdam, and the descendants of those people became the elite in New York - but in general, almost all settlers in the United States before 1840, were English.

And yes, there were French here and there, but the French didn't fare very well.

Here's a reasonably good breakdown of the waves of immigration to the U.S.: