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Thread #167690   Message #4064533
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Jul-20 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"Do you want us here in Britain to suffer many more years of Tory misgovernment,"
That's a fairly meaningless slogan PFR and one I have become rather tired of
To blame one Party for the continuing deterioration of a situation that has taken place under the jurisdiction of all parties is to miss the point big-time
I listed the losses under both Labour and Tory administrations, did they or did they not happen, and were or were not all the Parties involved ?
I believe they were - they happened, and will continue to happen because all parties, whatever their nuances of difference in tactics, share the same objective - to preserve the status quo

The Labour Party was set up with 'a calling' - to change society for the betterment of all
Gradually, its policies have become indistinguishable from the rest of those running in the Parliamentary rat-race
In a way, Blair did us all a favour by ending the pretence and formalising the similarities with his 'New Labour' - that should have set enough alarm bells off enough to take action
Then we had the Bumbling Brown fiasco

Accusations of 'leftism' from some sections of the Party are indicative of how far off the path Labour has wandered from its raison d'ĂȘtre - using the reason that Labour was set up in the first place as an insult!!!
In doing this, those Party members have lined themselves up with the Tories, Murdoch's bum-wipe press - and all those trolls who have come to forums like this using 'Leftie' as an epithet
I look on being a "leftie" with pride - a sign of humanity and fairness - those who believe being left is in some way wrong is not only backing the wrong horse - they've come to a different horse-race

Corbyn was an other unknown - a newbie learning the trade of Parliamentary Politics, yet she shook the system by it's very roots over the short period he was in the limelight
He attracted the hatred and fear of the establishment and their toadies in a way no other Party Leader ever has - even to the point of forcing right-wing regimes abroad to begin to interfere in British politics - that alone has to be a sign that something needs to change

You all know what is likely to happen to the British people when the pandemic ends and Brexit begins to kick in - already The Tories are beginning to join the Trumpite Quadrille in making the lesser well of pay for wiping up the mess
Are you really happy to watch this taking place with yet another right-wing status quo-er at Labour's helm - one who has already shown his double-standards, his lack of loyalty to his collegues and his lack of socialist principles?
Yeah - well !!!