The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4064721
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Jul-20 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"So, no answer then, Jim?You haven’t the honesty or the balls to admit that Corbyn’s Labour was unelectable, "
Done and Dusted - the Government won the last election on the basis of the chaos caused by Brexit - only the right blame Corbyn - you have chosen choice running mates
Corbyn's policies may be difficult yto put across in the prasent "we hate Corbyn" atmosphere, but I would at least expect so-called members of the Party to support him - nott so, it seems
Now we have a rightie back in charge
The leader of the TUC has now resignbed because of Starmmer's failiure to stand up to Govenment policies
He has warned of the dam=ngerrs of returning to New Labour's "centre ground"
Steve and I maybe "disloyal" to this turd but you people are selling out the only alternative to Johnson's policies - a new broom which will sweep the lot away
Starmer has shown he want's to be part of the old guard in Westminster
You are welcome to him
Now will you answer my questions - rhetorical of course, course you won't