The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4065050
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Jul-20 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
The Labour Paaary was undergoing a well-needed (in my opinion) change under Corbyn - basically, a return to core values - and it was working
All of those groups who had been ousted by those wishing to turn the Party into something else returned in their drove
That is not really a 'split' - it's a way of healing old wounds
All parties are 'split' at present - Lib Dems have their members who yearn for the old days - your own Party is divided into those who support the traditionalists such as those who were surgically removed in the Brexit butchery
The Labour Party divisions pre-date Blair by decades - he was the catalyst
Far too many of those at the top were heavy-handed in removing the opposition to their leadership - this new feller is something else, and he comes at a bad time for the country
It is not time to appease the right anywhere - they are a dangerous lot - whatever shade they come in