The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4065053
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Jul-20 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
That reference to 'the right' was not meant to be a pop at you by the way
I've always disageed with you, but that's a long way from associating you with the 'Johnson/Trump' mentalist that is now dominating your party
I've always regarded you as s Tory idealist rather that an advocate of the woest aspects of Toryism - feel happy yo make me wrong
After the last but one French election, Marine LePen called for a consolidation of world-wide right wing forces - recently there have been signs that this is beginning to happen - under Trump
Up to las week Britain was determined to go ahead with the Huawei deal, no matter what Trump thought - now he puts his foot down and the deal is gone
Whatever the rights and wrongs of China, it has not changed - Trump is now calling the shots on Britain's economey

I read this morning that Israel's in intention to annex the Occupied Territories has run into a snag - Netanyahu is awaiting the go-ahead from Trump
This is dangerous concerted extreme right politicking
Starmer has made it clear that he sacked his minister to appease 'The Friends of Israel' within the Labour Party - this involving the Party in the new International consolidation
Dangerous times indeed

Sorry Baccie - I've had enough of you and your mindless personal abuse - go find another victim