The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4065971
Posted By: Donuel
26-Jul-20 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Actual dialog from High Plains Drifter:

That stranger,

he has taken over my hotel...

and thrown good, honest,

decent folk out into the night.

-Why didn't you stop him, Lewis?

You've got a gun.

-Shut your fat mouth, Sam.

We're tired of giving you money
for doing an incompetent job.

- Don't you talk to me that way!

- Gentlemen!

Please! Look at us Sweet God,

look what's happening to us!

-Right, it's just like

the preacher says.

That stranger's got everybody

at each other's throats.

He's set himself up like a king.

He's got you all snake-fascinated,

every damn one of you.

This crazy wall.

Two hundred gallons of blood-red paint.

It couldn't be worse if the devil

himself had ridden into Lago.

Our town looks like Hell.

-Welcome to Lago,

you son of a bitch.