The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28655 Message #4065975
Posted By: GUEST,Cinderbecca
26-Jul-20 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swinging on the Outhouse Door
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Swinging on the Outhouse Door
My mother made my sister, cousins & I learn this song when we were little It is slightly different... Oh, Im a juvenile delinquent I stay up from 2 to 4 -chant- A.M! I drink with sailors And I smoke with bums I sit on the corner 'till my pickup comes Oh, I'm a juvenile delinquent I don't want to go home -echo- (My Mama Hates Me) I don't want to go home -echo- (My Daddy Beats Me) I don't want to go home And then theres Grandma -pause- Swinging on the outhouse door (With out her nighty) Swinging on the outhouse door -slow and drawn out- And then theres Grandpaaa -pause- -speed up- Tellin her to swing s'mor! -vampy snap- (Uhh) (Uhh) Door to door!