The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168317   Message #4066547
Posted By: Mo the caller
30-Jul-20 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Too old for folk when this is over
Subject: Too old for folk when this is over?
In the Observer article discussed in the Cecil Sharp House thread* Peggy Seegar says she doesn't think that she and Shirley Collins will ever perform together again. And she regrets not having a 'final concert'
On a smaller scale (much) I had a couple of wedding ceilidhs cancelled and wondered the same. I'd been scaling down for a while - not actively seeking gigs but not refusing those offered.
And our dance club hasn't met for months, will I be fit enough for even the gentle dances when we reopen. Not been able to do more than 32 bars of hornpipe stepping for several years, whereas once I'd hop through several turns of the dance.

Is it time for us oldies to retreat and hand over to the younger generation?

* sorry, my clicky didn't work, and the article the link in the article wouldn't open this time though it did before?????