The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168317   Message #4066810
Posted By: GUEST,Observer
01-Aug-20 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: Too old for folk when this is over
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
The post-war "Baby Boomers" WERE the "me-me society" to beat all others. The ones who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing, as well as knowing all of our rights while at the same time refusing to shoulder the obligations that went with them. There is absolutely no escaping the fact that "we" created the world as it is today - don't try and shift the blame onto others, although that is another characteristic of the Baby Boomer's "me-me" generation -"It is always somebody else's fault".

How many of you know of Folk Clubs that closed because of this pandemic that WILL NOT be restarted?

Festivals might just return, but they will be very different to the ones that were run pre-Covid. These will mainly be the summer festivals and open-air venues will appeal the most.

Festival fringe's, crowded sessions in pubs I just don't see coming back at all in my lifetime.

Until there is a proven and effective vaccine available nothing will return to what we all once used to accept as "normal".