The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168317   Message #4066861
Posted By: leeneia
01-Aug-20 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: Too old for folk when this is over
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
YouTube. Put folk songs in the lower search box. Or you could search for the name of a song, a band, a country's folk music or an instrument.
Our country dancers are meeting in a beautiful park at 10 am on Saturday mornings to avoid the heat of summer. They where masks, keep 6 feet apart and don't touch hands. They are using recorded music, so I'm not needed. I'm not the morning type anyway.

Our dance leaders are early 30's in age, and musicians are 65-75. No wait, we have an occasional 40-year-old. At our February dance we wanted to play and sing 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart' for the couples' waltz, and the 40-year-old didn't know the words. What is this country coming to?