The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31332   Message #406723
Posted By: mousethief
26-Feb-01 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
Subject: RE: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
Bells are removed from censors for Lent. (We never have bells on cassocks.) Vestments (on priests, deacons, subdeacons, altar, and any stands on which the Gospels or icons are placed) are changed to purple. Votive candles (if any) are changed from clear to blue glass.

We have a LOT more services. At least twice a week at our parish, we have the "liturgy of presanctified gifts" -- since the consecration cannot take place on weekdays in Lent, we use presanctified bread-and-wine -- under the idea that during Lent we need all the help we can get, and the Eucharist is our greatest Help.

And we say "Alleluia" just as much -- maybe even MORE -- during Lent than during the other seaons. THAT was a big change for an ex-episcopalian boy, you can be sure!

The hymnody of the Orthodox Church is rather complex. Each service has its normal hymns, which rotate through an 8-week cycle of "tones" (actually a "tone" is a set of somewhat related melodies). On special days the words for some of them change, and of course for special services you need a whole new set of hymns.

Oh, and during Lent, we sing "Lord Have Mercy" in a minor key (during all other seasons, including Advent, we sing it in a major key).

Ours are all in English (thank heavens!). Most of the "tones" and melodies we use are Russian, however (and some "Arabic" and some Carpatho-Russyn). There has not yet been a set of American tones written (at least not that has been accepted for use in our jurisdiction). I've heard that there is a monk somewhere writing a set of American tones based on blues scales. I'd love to hear it, but haven't yet!
