The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168339 Message #4067481
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Aug-20 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: my first performance in thirty years
Subject: RE: my first performance in thirty years
I'm a big fan of a few of Schubert's late pieces. I love the last three piano sonatas and the String Quintet in C. I love the driving force of the last symphony but I've always had a blind spot when it comes to the Unfinished, Death And The Maiden and the Trout Quintet. For really nice, bubbling troutiferous music, there's the fourth impromptu of his D899 set. Unlike Mozart, who fitted a whole musical life into 35 short years, I feel that Schubert, who died at 31 of syphilis after a lot of messing about with sex workers, was on the brink of greatness rather than already great. Of course, his songs are wonderful, but I don't speaka da lingo...