The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168358   Message #4067624
Posted By: meself
07-Aug-20 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: J.P. Cormier: 'A Life in Music'
Subject: J.P. Cormier: 'A Life in Music'
Some of you are familiar with J.P. Cormier - he's best known as a virtuoso guitar-picker, but he's a masterful fiddler as well - nephew of the prominent Cape Breton fiddler, the late Joseph Cormier - and multi-instrumentalist. He has a series of youtube videos in which he just talks about what made him the musician and person he is; I've been watching it and find it captivating. It's not for the faint of heart; a lot of the family stuff is dark and disturbing - all manner of abuse, violence, alcoholism, mental illness, disease, poverty, dysfunction, the whole gamut - that's your 'trigger warning' - but he's very thoughtful and articulate - and there's a lot of interesting talk about music. I just watched the seventh installment; I don't know how many there are; looks like fifteen or twenty. Here's a link to #1: A Life in Music

I'd be curious To know if anyone else gets as caught up in it as I have.