The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168333   Message #4067791
Posted By: Donuel
09-Aug-20 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: masks and armchair revolutionaries
Subject: RE: BS: masks and armchair revolutionaries
Its been a little while Senofou since posting, you war hardened veteran you. Mere isolation is taxing. For me resolve is tested and there is more strain and disssapointment as time goes on.

I actively discredit the conspiracy theories as our enemy be they foreign or domestic. The news that Hispanic children are 8 times more likely to require hospitaliztion and black kids are 5 times more likely than white kids to need hospitalization has me on more shakey ground as to the possible reality of a racial specfic weapon most valued by racists may actually exist in the form of Covid 19. Proof awaits.

The insanity of gas warfare turning against the users at the whimsey of the wind comes to mind.