The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168317   Message #4068111
Posted By: Mo the caller
12-Aug-20 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: Too old for folk when this is over
Subject: RE: Too old for folk when this is over
So is it best to have our folk archives in local 'general' collections, to be happened upon by the general public, or in specialist libraries (e.g. at CSH) to be searched by folkies? Or both, perhaps.

The Zoom things that are going on show that the generations below me are taking up the baton. I was happy to call at dance clubs, and have worked out how to use zoom. But adapting and calling dances using recorded music doesn't appeal at all. In our area there the clubs have been kept going by a younger caller (still has children at home) and a couple who are probably nearing retirement have also slotted in to do alternate weeks.