The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4068271
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
13-Aug-20 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Oh, I do have an iPhone, but there's not a damned thing on it I'd miss if the thing should die.

Seriously, here's the thing: I live too far out of town for regular broadband Internet service. I have a personal hotspot through my cellular provider. It works well, but I only get 15 GB per month at "full speed". After that, the speed throttles way down. So, I try to avoid unnecessary expenditures of bandwidth.

Backing up an iPhone requires that the phone be connected to a WIFI network. This is a bit silly in my case since the phone and the personal hotspot both use the same cellular provider and are on the same billing plan. The phone has unlimited high speed access, but Apple won't let me use the phone's own unlimited GBs of data transfer for backup. It requires that I connect through WIFI and use up some of my precious 15 GB.

So, the phone never gets backed up and I don't care.