The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31332   Message #406896
Posted By: Burke
26-Feb-01 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
Subject: RE: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
Hard to separate the Lenten from the Good Friday Hymns. I wonder how the hymnal compilers decided to assign them.

"Now quit your care" is in your Episcopal Hymnal with somewhat different version. The original was French so it might be different translation or some kind of updating.

Not in the Episcopal Hymnal, try ALAS! AND DID MY SAVIOR BLEED? The tune that plays at Cyberhymnal,by Hugh Wilson, goes by several names. I think he was Scottis. I think it fit pretty well. You can find the tune with different words in the Episcopal Hymnal as Martyrdom. Don't use that refrain they show at Cyberhymnal with that tune. The refrain goes with Hudson more commonly know as "At the Cross." Like many other tunes of it's genre it turns fairly somber words into something far more perky & upbeat. Not, however, quite as odd as putting them with "O How I love Jesus," which I have also seen.

Another to look at is "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood." Cleansing Fountain, another perky tune to somber words, is probably the best known tune.