The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #406905
Posted By: MAV
26-Feb-01 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven

"Mav speaks the same "bigotspeak" that has made racism, chauvinism, and jingoism, come back to the fore"

No I don't, I speak plain English, I will tell you straight out exactly what I support and believe in and what I despise and oppose. This is the exact demonization I was referring to back in Conservative Cavalry.

The real bigots are the left, who can't wait to divide and categorize people into ethnic, sex, religious, philosophical and social strata classifications.

We encourage people to "get out of the box" which refers to the nosey questions on applications about the above information. DON'T CHECK ANY BOXES!

"It is often subtle, sometimes even joking, but it is always there below the surface"

Painting any group with the broad brush is bigotry, you are doing here what you accuse me of. This is a typical fascist tactic.

"A desire for freedom for all and less government restriction can make strange bedfellows"

So you, of course, must be against all those things.

"Never mistake where these folks are coming from and never allow yourself to be drawn into using them to advance your own good hearted arguments"

Yes, stay with the lefty Marxist line like your glorious leader algor, who won by a landslide, oh wait, the head of the DNC is BILL CLINTON.

"In the end you will lose"

I think you have a little experience with that.

"They are insidious and growing in number and you have to fight it and expose it where you find it."

You don't know me and to brand me as a White Supremecist is both disingenuous and patently unfair.

You sir are not just a liar, but genuinely evil......JUST LIKE CLINTON!

"Oh yeah......Mav? Bugger off..."

(I think I'll take Skeptic's advice here)

You, sir, are a MASTER DEBATER!

mav out