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Thread #31350   Message #406968
Posted By: MAV
27-Feb-01 - 12:09 AM
New York Times Left-Winger: Shun Corrupt Clinton

Bob Herbert, identified today by Fox News Channel as the most liberal columnist at the New York Times, is belatedly joining in on the anti-Clinton bandwagon. But his vehemence is making up for his tardiness.

Herbert writes today that the Democratic Party made "the equivalent of a pact with the devil" in supporting Clinton and "in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul."

"Now, with the stench of yet another scandal polluting the political atmosphere, some of Mr. Clinton's closest associates and supporters are acknowledging what his enemies have argued for years - the man is so thoroughly corrupt it's frightening.

"The president who hung a "For Rent" sign on the door to the Lincoln Bedroom also conducted a clearance sale on pardons in his last weird sleepless days in the White House.

"The fallout from those pardons is threatening to destroy Mr. Clinton, and perhaps also his wife, the junior senator from New York. He may finally be getting his due.

'Standard Definition of a Bribe'

"The Clintons can spin this however they want. But the simple truth is that the way in which some of the pardons were granted seems to fit neatly with the standard definition of a bribe, which is the promise of money or gifts - something of value - to influence the action or behavior of an official. ...

"The Clintons may or may not be led away in handcuffs someday. But whatever happens with the criminal investigations, it's time for the Democratic Party to wise up. Ostracism would be a good first step. Bill Clinton should be cut completely loose."

And there's more. But where were Herbert and his ilk during the last eight years? ========================================================

Gee, this from the New York Times (All the news that fits our agenda)

Not the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.


mav out