The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168484   Message #4070414
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Sep-20 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Rigs o' Rye / Two Rigs of Rye
Subject: ADD Version:Two Rigs of Rye
Here's #58 in Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan, by Emelyn Elizabeth Gardner and Geraldine Jencks Chickering (1967 Folklore Associates edition, originally published in 1939)


It between two rigs of rye
. . . . . . . . .
Before the sun ‘had pierced the sky
I heard two lovers talking.

“Your father of you he takes good care;
Your mother combs down your yellow hair.
Your sisters says they'll ne'er do more
If you marry me so slender.”

He took his kerchief of Holland ?ne
And wiped the tears that came trinkling down
Saying, “Dry up those tears, love, for you’ll be mine;
I was only for to try you.”

“Let father fret and let mother scold,
Of my sisters’ Words you need not take hold
For if they were all lying dead and cold,
Along with you I’d wander.”

For a version of nine stanzas which tells the complete story see Ord, pp. 31-32. He says that “this ?ne old country song” was obtained from “an ex-Aberdeenshire ploughman," but he gives no other information. A text of seven stanzas which has lines similar to the Michigan text, but in which the lover rejects his sweetheart, who decides to follow him to “foreign climes," is in Bulletin, I, 8, with the note that “We have no data bearing on the history or distribution of this song.” For a longer text, interestingly similar, see Christie, II, 224—225.
The present version was sung in 1935 by Mrs. Jennie Hunter, Lowell, who learned the song from her mother, Mrs. Agnes Morrison Cheyne, when she was a small child. Mrs. Hunter was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, in 1852. of Scotch parents.