The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158547   Message #4070976
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
06-Sep-20 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Time And Tune (BBC Schools) - Contents
Subject: RE: Time And Tune (BBC Schools) - Contents
Year        Term        Illustrator                        
1981        Spring        Robin Lawrie                        
1981        Summer        John Shackell                        
1981        Autumn        Paul Cemmick                        
1982        Spring        David Brown                        
1982        Summer        Louise Voce                        
1982        Autumn        Ken Astrop                        
1983        Spring        Kevin Maddison                        
1983        Summer        Helen Cowcher                        
1983        Autumn         Victor Ambrus                        
1984        Spring         John Shackell                        
1984        Summer         (not in my collection)                        
1984        Autumn         Carol Tarrant                         
1985        Spring        Kevin Maddison                        
1985        Summer        Harry Bishop & David Nunn                
1985        Autumn        Carey Gainham design associates        
1986        Spring        Martin Ursell                        
1986        Summer        Amelia Rosato                        
1986        Autumn        Jane Elmslie                        
1987        Spring        Anna Dzierzek                        
1987        Summer        Kay Wilson                        
1987        Autumn        Barry Parman                        
1988        Spring        Martin Ursell        Repeat of Spring 1986
1988        Summer         Jim Hansen                         
1988        Autumn         (not in my collection)                        
1989        Spring        (not acknowledged)                
1989        Summer        John Lobban                        
1989        Autumn        John Lobban                        
1990        Spring        Kate Simpson                        
1990        Summer         (not in my collection)                        
1990        Autumn        Kate Simpson                        
1991        Spring                Reprint of Spring 1989
1991        Summer                Reprint of Summer 1989
1991        Autumn                Reprint of Autumn 1989
1992        Spring                Reprint of Spring Spring 1990
1992        Summer         (not in my collection)                        
1992        Autumn         (not in my collection)                        
1993        Spring        Caroline Ewen                        
1993        Summer        Tony Chance                        
From here programmes repeat so often it is better to use titles
The Hall of Mirrors        Nick Price        
The Fantastic Toyshop        Lesley Buckingham        
Vox Box                        Sue Shields        
Sea Thunder               Claire Bushe        
Omutungwa               Grizelda Holderness
Hey Presto               Liam O'Farrell        
The Wind in the Willows        Kim Harley        
Evacuees        (photos only)        
Peter Pan               Jan McCafferty
Petroushka               Peter Bailey
Stop . . . Danger . . . Go!               Mark Oliver