The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131922   Message #4072500
Posted By: Senoufou
19-Sep-20 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Autumn
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Autumn
When I was a girl (late forties!) from autumn onwards we wore 'trews', made from thick woollen tartan material. You're quite right, adult women wore 'slacks'. Our pants ('bloomers') were nearly down to our knees, thick material with a fleecy underside. Our 'chilprufe' vests were woollen with a string that tied round the neck. I had a 'liberty bodice' too, for attaching my kilt. I must sound almost Victorian!
Sorry about this 'too much information' and thread drift...
The acorns, conkers, hips and haws are amazingly abundant this year.
Schools now have banned children from playing conkers (horse chestnut on a string) in case the little darlings get injured. Snowflake generation!