The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168575   Message #4072520
Posted By: Naemanson
19-Sep-20 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Boring in Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Boring in Guam
Boring in Guam 2

A while after my stroke my brother-in-law in Japan had a very similar stroke. It was more severe than mine but it affected most of the same areas as mine. His included control of his facial muscles whereas my face was mostly untouched. The difference is in how the Japanese health system supported him.

I woke in the wee hours and went to the kitchen for some water. As I got there my right leg quit working and I fell. I dragged myself to my feet and went back to the bedroom holding on to the walls all the way. Wakana drove me to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 6 days then released. I was in a wheelchair for a whole. Wakana, bless her, moved our queen sized mattress/box spring into the living room just a few steps from the guest bathroom and in front of the TV. I had weekly doctor appointments for which Wakana had to lift my oversized wheelchair into and out of the car. I had biweekly physical therapy appointments. I finally graduated to a walker which was easier for Wakana to get into and out of the car. The insurance only covered so many PT appointments but the therapist arranged for the treatments to continue at a special price.

My brother-in-law, on the other hand is covered by the Japanese universal healthcare system. He had his stroke while working with a high school student (he is a professional tutor). The ambulance had him in the hospital within half an hour. He had a MONTH in the hospital with DAILY physical therapy sessions. They moved him to a specialized PT hospital where he had two sessions a day for another month. When we visited him in the PT hospital he was in a tiny but very comfortable apartment. He was playing his guitar. His wife and daughter could visit any time. There were electronic boards outside the elevator telling guests who was at a PT session and when they would be done.

And that treatment cost his family $800. I have never seen a bill from the hospital for my 6 days there. I had to pay a copay for each subsequent doctor visit and I had to pay a reduced rate for PT. I live in fear of the eventual bill from the hospital. It’s been three years and I’m still waiting. I refuse to call them. I figure it’s up to them to bill me. If they don’t want the money I won’t give it to them.

Anyway, that’s the difference between universal healthcare and our oh-so-wonderful capitalized system. My brother-in-law is free and clear while I have this cloud hanging over my head. His PT left him able to play music (guitar and piano) while I can no longer play at all. Think about that next time someone tells you universal health care doesn’t work.

At least I have Wakana.