The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131922   Message #4072541
Posted By: Senoufou
20-Sep-20 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Autumn
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Autumn
People grow pampas grass here in UK, but it's a tricky and invasive plant. It goes crazy and is very difficult to remove. Sometimes it needs a tractor and a cable to pull the roots out of the ground, but it often comes back yet again!
A while back there was a daft thing going round about pampas grass. It was said that couples deliberately grew it in their front gardens to announce that they were up for 'swinging' (ie having other couples round for sex sessions, swapping partners) Ridiculous! (Husband just said "Hmmm..." Wonder what he means?)
Everyone's planting Spring bulbs here in the village. I've got eight tubs to get sorted, and today we're going off to Bawdeswell (nearby village) to get early daffodils, miniature tulips, irises and narcissi, plus two big bags of MiracleGro compost (husband is very strong and will lift those into the car for me)