The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131922   Message #4073143
Posted By: Senoufou
26-Sep-20 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Autumn
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Autumn
Oh Tattie, I do sympathise! At this very minute (7.30am) I'm awaiting our friendly plumber. Our NEW boiler, installed a few weeks ago, has a little chimney which goes up through the garage roof. The installers had left a gap around it, and of course the torrential rain we've been having has entered and drenched the boiler, doing it no good. We've had to put a mountain of newspaper and thick towels on the top of it, and this morning they're soaked.
So no heating, and thick jumpers on, just like you.
Our area (Norfolk) has had ferocious winds and torrential rain for three days. Many trees are down, blocking roads, and also there have been power cuts all across the county (not our village fortunately)
Most unusual, as the rest of the UK hasn't had this much. We're usually the driest place, but not this month!