The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168608   Message #4073912
Posted By: Monique
01-Oct-20 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Add: Advice to the Bride / Conseils a la mariee
Subject: RE: Add: Advice to the Bride / Conseils a la mariee
For those who read French, there's a long article called "Noce vendéenne" there (La Mosaïque du midi, publication mensuelle, volume 2, Jean Mamert Cayla, Toulouse, Paris, 1838) by some L. Mounié. It tells what weddings were like in Vendée at that time.
It includes 7 verses and it's where I got that "blancs" were some small currency. A 6-blancs copper coin was worth 2.5 "sous" and 20 "sous" were worth 1 "livre" (pound).
You can also find it on and try to put the full text into the google translator but as the original text is full of gibberish the translation isn't any better.