The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163514   Message #4074342
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Oct-20 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Barrett's Privateers- Explicit Lyrics?
Subject: ADD: Banting's Imparted Years
Can't say I know where to put this, but it was sung at the Getaway today and it piqued my interest.

A Scientific Sea Shanty: Banting's Imparted Years

(Music: Barrett's Privateers by Stan Rogers)

Oh the year was nineteen, ten and eight
And to think I take up sugar now
At eleven years old my fate was rung
By the death o' me islets of Langerhans

Nobel them all!
I was lost to cruel disease
When a miracle cure saved mother her son
Dried her tears
Now I'm a croakin' man but I'll nevermore fear
The last of Banting's imparted years

Young Frederick Banting cried aloud
And to think I take up sugar now
Through shelling and fire he scorned his wounds
Til the fallen in battle be dressed and bound

Diabetes then was a sickening plight
And to think I take up sugar now
We'd down the least that a man could scoff
Til the famine or saccharide capped us off

The Simcoe doc was a knife by trade
And to think I take up sugar now
When the practice failed he set his jaw
To the treatment of glycosuria

The pancreas' form had long been known
And to think I take up sugar now
Islets that curb sugar low or high
And digestive fluid from the acini

He worked as long I withered and waned
And to think I take up sugar now
Sweating with Best in animal trials
To wring an elixir from the tiny isles

Then at length on death's cold mantle I lay
And to think I take up sugar now
The extract was drawn and the hype went in
In the first e'er treatment of insulin

My vigour returned and in truth I thrived
And to think I take up sugar now
Banting & co shared a Nobel prize
And the work saved north'ard of a million lives

So here I lay in my twenty-eighth year
And to think I take up sugar now
The pneumonia's fast in both me lungs
But I want no islets of Langerhans