The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168695   Message #4074613
Posted By: Tradsinger
07-Oct-20 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I'm a Romany Rai
Subject: RE: Origins: I'm a Romany Rai
There is another version doing the rounds:

I’m a Romany Rai, I’m a true didikai
I travel the drom with me dogs and me grai
I’ll never be rich, I was born in a ditch
And that’s why they call me the Romany Rai

Dika chavi, dik akai
Kaka chavi dik akai
Daddy’s trying to sell the mush a kushti grai
Dika chavi dik akai, kaka chavi, dik akai
That’s why they call me the Romany Rai

I’m a Romany Rom, and I travel the drom,
I make wicker creels, on the bosh play the reels
I’ll sing you a sing before the gavvers move me on
And that’s why they call me the Romany Rai

I’m a Romany Rom and I travel the drom
I hawk all the day and dance all the night
I don’t pay no rent,’cos I live in a tent
And that’s why they call me the Romany Rai

It has been recorded by Pat and Susie Darling. Not sure if they wrote some of it.
