The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168704   Message #4074878
Posted By: GUEST,Big Al Whittle
09-Oct-20 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Happy 80th Birthday John Lennon
Subject: RE: Happy 80th Birthday John Lennon
The exact opposite with me. I've sort of got used to John not being around, but I still miss my Mum.

Apart from a few royalties - most of which were nicked by the music industry The Beatles music has always been in every meaningful sense 'in public domain and in the folk process'. Has any guitar teacher or school teacher EVER been asked to pay royalties. Is there any guitar or uke teacher who excludes The Beatles from their ringbinders.

Only the jealous contemporaries of the 'folk revival' ever thought otherwise. Virtually every line of lyric and verbal inflection is steeped in idiomatic English.