The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166828   Message #4075660
Posted By: Mrrzy
16-Oct-20 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: British supernatural folk-songs...?
In Dublin's fair city, in Dublin's fair town
There lived a young girl by the name of miss Brown
She courted a sailor for 7 long year
And from the beginning he called her his dear

One morning so early by the break of the day
He called to her window and to her did say
Rise up, bonny Mary, and come you with me
Such things they will happen, such things you will see

He took her o'er mountain, he took her o'er dell
She heard through the morning the sound of a bell
All over the ocean, all over the sea
Ye maidens of Dublin, take warning by me

O sailor o sailor, come spare me my life
But out of his pocket he took a penknife
He stabbed her and ripped her and cut her in 3
Then he buried poor Mary beneath the green tree

Now green grown the laurel and red grows the rose
And a black bird will follow wherever he goes
Crying Sailor O sailor where'er ye be
The blood flows forever beneath the green tree