The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168736   Message #4075667
Posted By: saulgoldie
16-Oct-20 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Chesapeake Bay Songs
Subject: Lyr Req: Chesapeake Bay Songs
A song ran through my mind this morning. I can't remember the exact name of the song. And I can't find the CD that I heard it on. I have searched extensively on the Interwebs, and...nothing.

The CD was for a benefit for the Chesapeake Bay. It was sold at a music festival somewhere in the 90s somewhere (I think) in St Mary's County. I think the insert was tan/yellow. It includes songs like "Chesapeake Morning" by Schooner Fare; "Chesapeake Born/Chesapeake Free"

The lyrics I recall are:

"From the Pocomoke to the Nanticoke, the Choptank, and the Chester,
Down the Susquehana, the Severn and the James,
(something, something)...her spreading waters,
Pray for the Chesapeake Bay, for our sons and daughters."

Other'n that, I just have fragments of the lyrics. I would be glad to find the song to listen to; gladder to find where I can buy the CD.

