The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168736   Message #4075680
Posted By: GUEST,m
16-Oct-20 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Chesapeake Bay Songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Chesapeake Bay Songs
"... the Travelers performed a song called "Chesapeake." Written by Mr. Renfro, its lively chorus had the governor tapping his toes.

From the Pocomoke to the Nanticoke

The Choptank and the Chester

Down the Susquehanna

The Severn and the James

Potomac and Patuxent

Into the spreading waters

Pray there's a Chesapeake Bay

For our sons and daughters

In fact, the governor was so inspired, says his staff, that he suggested an album of bay-related songs be produced to generate income for cleanup projects. Thus was born "Bay Folk," a collection of songs with a bay theme, including the Travelers' own "Chesapeake."

Another of Mr. Renfro's songs, "Let the Last Image Fall," about the disappearance of buffalo herds on the great plains, won him a coveted songwriting award at the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas, one of the country's premier folk events. In fact, both Mr. Renfro and Mr. Bailey were invited to Kerrville to give special performances..."