The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4078387
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Nov-20 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: BS: Bloody UK lockdown Mk 2
This is not intended to be a Brit politics thread, more a cri de coeur. We've been locked down again, for four weeks this time, nationwide. People round here can't believe it. We have the lowest infection rate in the country but we can't meet our families and friends. The supermarkets can sell whatever they like but almost all other shops are forced to close, restaurants and leisure facilities have all shut down and the police are threatening to interrogate us as to what we're doing if they see us out and about. Yet schools and universities can carry on as normal, in spite of the fact that infection rates are ballooning in secondary schools and that university students have descended from all corners of the country/globe and spiked infection rates in many university towns. I went into town today and it felt nothing like the first lockdown. Plenty of traffic, supermarkets crowded, streets full of people, and fireworks parties all round this evening. I'm thinking that huge numbers of people are ignoring this latest lockdown and I don't blame them. The approach I strongly feel that should have been adopted from the getgo was one in which the government made a massive effort to educate the public and get everyone onside by persuasion, not edict. I mean, how have we reached a position whereby a supposed democratic government can tell people that they can't leave their house and can't mix with their own close families?