The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31311   Message #407894
Posted By: Naemanson
28-Feb-01 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: School Pranks?
Subject: RE: BS: School Pranks?
Gervase, you only have 10 fingers? What happened to the other 3? *BG*

I guess, in the face of withering disinterest, I'll tell the rest of my story anyway.

When we left off the boss was in Howaii and had somehow managed to nail my shoes to the floor in my office in Maine. I was impressed and also determined to have my revenge. On Thursday afternoon he was picked up by the Army military police as he left the headquarters building. They took him to the MP headquarters and began to grill him about his hit and run accident. He protested his innocence. They explained that they had a description of his car leaving the scene and they pointed to a big dent in the fender. They grilled him for a long time while he continued to claim innocence. Finally they told him he could go. The arresting officer explained that he would have to report the incident when he got back to his command back east. Then he leaned forward and said, "And, Lieutenant, don't ever nail my brother's shoes to the floor again."

The rest of the conversation is not printable.