The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168868   Message #4080040
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Nov-20 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Schoolmaster Quotes
Subject: RE: BS: Schoolmaster Quotes
Children are social beasts and they need to be with other children a lot as they grow up. That includes in both play and in classrooms. The lockdowns have highlighted the severe social deprivation that many thousands of children have been through via the long separations from their friends at school and outside. We may well be sitting on a mental ill-health time bomb in consequence. On top of that, and whilst I've never been an advocate of stuffing the curriculum with content, it's hard to see how the vast majority of parents could even remotely be able to provide the structure, balance, resources and motivation that schools provide. It's even harder to envisage the kind of scrutiny needed to ensure that home-schooling parents need to make sure that they're doing what they should be, should home-schooling turn into anything other than the peripheral activity that it is at the moment.