The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4081729
Posted By: JennieG
03-Dec-20 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
A childhood favourite of mine too, r-j! Chad makes his January pilgrimage here each year for the country music festival - but that won't be happening on the same scale next month. I have heard that there will be music in various pubs and clubs but no big concerts, as they draw too many people.

As today is 3rd December, the anniversary of the Eureka Rebellion, it seems appropriate to have "Cross of the South".

Cross of the South - words by Kenneth Cook, tune is 'Kelly, the boy from Killane'.

'Twas the month of December, the year fifty-four
When the men of Eureka rebelled.
And they swore that the flag they had made for themselves
Ever proudly aloft would be held.
The miners took arms in the stockade that day,
The bold word passed from mouth to mouth
'We will stand by this flag and the stars that it bears,
White stars of the Cross of the South'.

The hot blood of the heroes ran fast in their veins,
There was but one man they obeyed.
The hero of heroes they chose from their ranks
Peter Lalor their hero they made.
Peter Lalor said, 'We must stand by our guns,
Fear not the cannon's fierce mouth!
For I see the soldiers are gathering now
To tear down the Cross of the South'.

Captain Thomas charged the Eureka Stockade,
Three hundred troops by his side.
Fire and steel met them there and they fell back again,
But the first of the miners had died.
The smoke from the battle had scarce cleared away
When the soldiers came charging once more,
The miners were killed as they stood 'round their flag
Or fell from the wounds they bore.

Bold Peter Lalor lay shot on the grund
Where the soldiers had left him for dead,
And the flag that he loved lay there by his side,
The white stars all stained with red.
Peter Lalor he rose on his knees in the dust,
Wild words poured from his mouth:
'You can murder us all in black tyranny's name,
But you can't kill the Cross of the South'.

It is on John Thompson's "An Australian Folk Song a Day".