The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4081847
Posted By: GerryM
03-Dec-20 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
Here's my list of songs that were performed, in order, at the Singaround on 30 November / 1 December 2020. I came in a little late, so I missed a few at the beginning. I'm not at all sure I got the right title (is fada liom uaim I) for a song Martin Ryan sang. Ed Silberman sang a short song which I took down as Drink Canada Dry, but I'm not at all sure that's right. David Allan Coe recorded a song by that name, but I think it was a longer song than what Ed sang. I'm not sure whether Tell Me I'm Wrong is the name of the song Mel Barrett sang about a party he didn't like, so I've included some alternate possibilities. I totally missed the title of Hazel Richings' (first) song. I didn't get titles for Laura Martin's short Gaelic and Bulgarian songs. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks all welcome. Here's what I have:
Three Volcano Day Carol for Twelfth Day Senor Don Gato The Clouds are Gwine to Roll Away Duct Tape Bill Bones' Hornpipe The False Bride Song for the Mira A North Country Maid Bring Us In Good Ale For Ireland I'll Not Tell Her Name (in Irish Gaelic) (Ar éirinn Ní n-Eósainn) Strangely Moved Alabama John Cherokee Home on the Front Range The Ditchling Carol A Most Unpleasant Way, Sir Spare Hand Lament Cold Mountain Transformations [Promeny; Czech version of Two Magicians] Harvest Home Carefree the Bird (Rew di ranno, in Welsh) Shame and Scandal Old Woman who Lived in a Wood How Lovely are Thy Dwellings Fathom the Bowl Peaceful Harbor We Ain't Gonna Give It Back Far Side Banks of Jordan Past Carin' Bonnie Susie Cleland Arthur McBride Cold Coast of Ireland Land o' the Leal Quiet Land of Erin (Ardaí Cuain, in Irish Gaelic) [Song by Martin Ryan in Irish Gaelic] (is fada liom uaim I) (?) Give Me Your Hand [Thoir dhomh do lámh, in Scots Gaelic] Drink Canada Dry [?] Waltzing's for Dreamers Better Times Will Come The Rout of the Blues Tell Me I'm Wrong [Tell Me I Blew it Again? All that Talk About Lionel? It Wasn't My Kind of Party?] [Song by Hazel Richings] Blood, Blood, Glorious Blood [short song in Gaelic] [short song in Bulgarian] Time to Go Song of the Soul The Blizzard Kentucky in the Morning Wanderin' Appletree Wassail Rag Dance Song (La Guignolee) South Australia Lives in the Balance She was a Sweet Little Dicky Bird Blues Chase Up a Rabbit Thanksgiving Prayer Nevada Jane The Family of Woman and Man And the Band Played "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" Home Among the Gumtrees Do Virgins Taste Better? Dark Island The Hielan Man Old Colony Times Dark Island (different lyrics) Give to Me Your Dark Eyes (in Serbo-Croatian) Fear a Bhata The Scotsman Safe Home Lay Down Beside Me The Farewell Shanty